Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reason for Existence

I have decided to take the plunge and blog. While most people might not find this a daunting prospect to be cautious about, I do. It means putting myself out there for the world to see and I am not a fan of the world seeing me.

What terrified me most about marrying my husband was the marriage ceremony, not the living and loving forever part. I have a lot of confidence in my husband and in our realtionship, but I knew I would be proclaiming that in a church where I would have to stand up in front of a crowd of people for a while and be the center of attention. Plus, all that bride mania was not my thing. I am not sure how to be an ornament. And I don't want to be one either. I wanted to get married and then be married and live it. And that cake was something to look forward to too.

As a teacher, I can be in front of a crowd without a care, but when I am teaching I am doing something. I am in action. And this is why one of my favorite songs, just to prove my dorkiness, is "I Have Confidence" sung by Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music. She puts it all out there and rises above it and finds love, a family, and a life singing. How cool is that. She even dances all the while she is walking; she is doing. She is happier than when she was in the convent singing.

And lately, I have found Gretchen Rubin's blog about happiness:

She has inspired me to do innovative and new things that might scare me a bit, but which might also lead to things to make me happier.

Since writing makes me happier, I have chosen to write more. So, here I am in public again doing something I hope will lead to a happier life. And, I am taking whoever reads this along for the ride.

Recently, I have traveled to Brazil and I must say I love traveling. Most people might think to travel means a plane ride and a long trip like to Brazil, but for me, it can mean to a good restaurant in Pittsburgh. So, if anyone reads this they will find me writing about my travels--from the exotic to the domestic. And hopefully, we will all be happier.